A Girl Mook Had Been Out With A Few Times Crashed The Yak And It Was Perfect

Wednesday was quite the scene. We had Coulter, the Yak fan who lives in Connor Griffin's building that saw him lugging his bistro to this car on Tuesday and decided to help him out by bringing his toolbox down to get the bistro out of his car was invited into the office today to do the Yak Gauntlet. Coulter brought a guest, his co-worker, who elicited this reaction from our guy Mook.

Unbeknownst to anyone else, this woman, Amanda had been out with Mook a few times (*per Mook). He was completely flummoxed, so we asked him to go into another room so we could hear her out and find out how the dates went.

Apparently, the definition of a date is somewhat of a grey area between these two. But however you define it, these two had been out with friends several times in a potentially romantic situation for 20-somethings.

When Amanda was on her way out, we spied on Mook to see how he'd leave things.


BIG YIKES! Check out the full show here:

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